About the SpeakerHeads

 The Official SpeakerHeads™ Fact Sheet


  • SpeakerHeads are the innovative product born of drum acoustics and speaker mechanics. These special resonant side cone assemblies have acoustic properties that enhance the tone of the bass drum and allow it to be miked like a speaker because now it IS a speaker!
  • SpeakerHeads turn resonant side bass drum heads into tune-able passive radiators that transmit the tone of the drum better than any other product. Optional speaker sizes allow for either a punchy or warmer tone.  The Audio Grade Center Cap gives just the right amount of back pressure for a great feel.  It’s even removable to get a completely different feel.
  • The concept behind the SpeakerHeads is simple. Any resonant side head is actually a speaker – but a poor one at that. The SpeakerHeads improve upon this concept and take it one step further. The specially designed cones allow for a variety of microphone placement to achieve different tonal characteristics and shielding from extraneous noise.
  • The qualities of the SpeakerHeads are best evident in the recording studio and in live sound, where the art of miking speaker cabinets is now brought to the drums. By On/Off Axis microphone positioning, the perfect attack and tone is now attainable. They even respond to changes in the amount of tension placed on the head, giving even more tonal possibilities.
  • SpeakerHeads are easy to install. They not only sound great, but look awesome!


the evolution of the resonant head

*Coming soon – the SpeakerHeads® line of resonant head Kits for Rack and Floor Toms.

SpeakerHeads® are Proudly made in Lancaster, Wisconsin by Loudspeaker Components Corp
The SpeakerHeads® are for resonant heads only and should be treated just like an open speaker. Keep all sharp objects away from the cone.

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